Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Day Table 2014!

I don't know about all of you, but I am excited to spend the day with my family tomorrow and enjoy the nice break! Tonight, I headed over to my mom's to start the holiday early and we got her table all decorated for tomorrow. I wanted to share it with you before feasting time in case you want to get out there and find some leaves to paint!Okay, I know I'm not giving you much time, but maybe you have some gold paint lying around...

If you love the place settings those can all be found at The Plaid Giraffe - you wouldn't expect anything else in Nancy's casa! I am in love with her Annie Glass plates on top of the MacKenzie Child's black and white chargers. I also love her ceramic MacKenzie Child's napkin rings - jealous of those! The pewter pieces, tray and goblets are Juliska and go with my mom's everday dishes. The centerpiece is comprised of a fun metal basket from the Plaid and my mom had some greens arranged in it. Then today she picked up some flowers from the floral department at the Plaid and I did some fun arranging. The velvet pumpkin and little nest (with velvet mushrooms and acorn) is also a new item at the Plaid and they are really a great way to incorporate fall into your decor. The pumpkins come in lots of different colors.

Now to the DIY aspect of the table, the golden leaves and acorns. In my Thanksgiving Prep post, I had pinned a fun idea of painted leaves for the place cards at the table. My didn't turn out as fancy, but I still love the pop of gold they add to the place settings. Dustin found leaves and acorns out in our front yard (he must really love me). Then I used my favorite craft staple, liquid gold leaf paint, to paint them. I tried using a Sharpie, but it didn't flow smoothly, so I decided to paint on the names with black acrylic paint. Like I said earlier, if you have some paint laying around, go pick some leaves!

Overall, I love the table my mom and I put together. It helps when she has great pieces to work with, but I think if you find ways to incorporate your own character to your turkey day table, then you will be successful! Flowers always add a nice pop of color and there should be a grocery store near you open tomorrow morning if you still need to get some.

Happy Thanksgiving!! Thankful to have you all in my life!

Lots of Love,

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