Sunday, November 9, 2014

Oh Deer!

Yesterday, Hailey and I ran around town to run some errands and one of our stops was Social Manor. Erin was working and we had fun talking with her about the fun home finds around the store. One of the holiday items that caught my eye was this fun reindeer head. To be honest, I haven't really been into the animal head trend that's been going on, but I loved that these had holes where the antlers go, so we could use whatever suited our fancy! In the store they had garland picks and candles in them. Both looked really cute, so Hailey and I decided to each buy one and some of the picks. Set it up when I got home and loved how quirky and pretty it looked:

Then today when my mother and I were grocery shopping, I saw they had some pretty multicolored rose bouquets. The idea of using flowers in the reindeer came to mind and I had to try it out. Well, it wasn't as easy as I hoped because there is a hole in the bottom of the reindeer. I had a hard time finding something to plug the hole with, so I wrapped wet paper towels around the rose stems. If you throw a party and want it as a centerpiece, the paper towel trick is probably your best option. I'm going to try to find something to use for the future (I'll update this post if I come across something that works). Any who, once I got the flowers in place, I loved the look! Very feminine and gorgeous:

Hello Deer!

Photos via me

How pretty would that be for a party any time of the year!? I love the mix of colors, but all one color of roses or some other flower would be really pretty. Red berries and Evergreen sprigs would be festive for the holidays. I also like the idea of using one short stem rose in each hole, so it looked like a giraffe. Seriously, the possibilities seem endless with this fun piece. It will be used one day for a party centerpiece, so I'll make sure to share what I come up with.

Lots of Love,

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