Saturday, August 23, 2014

How To: DIY Diamond Pinatas!

The Megan Bachelorette Party series continues with a how to on DIY pinatas! I found some great already made options to purchase, but I figured I could do them cheaper by some good ole' fashioned DIY. (Don't worry, I'll show you the purchase options at the end if you aren't in the mood to DIY!)

I searched on Pinterest for a good DIY diamond pinata idea and bam! found one:

They have great pictures and follow along instructions, so I am directing you that way. My quick instructions and modifications are as follows:
  1. I used a cardboard box I had laying around and measured out triangles - make sure your sides are equal.
  2. Instead of 8 triangles, I made the pinatas using 6 - 3 on top, 3 on bottom. I didn't have a ton of time, so I decided the smaller size would be quicker.
  3. I used a small X-ACTO knife to cut out the triangles. It is hard, but try to go slow and steady. I had some wavy sides and it made them harder to match up later.
  4. On one of the triangles, cut out a little door to put your goodies inside once you are done.
  5. Tape the edges of your triangles together. I used a masking tape - I only had green, but if you can find something that matches the color of your tissue, that would be better.
  6. Pull a thick string through the top of the pinata.
  7. Fringe your tissue - the website above has great direction for this so you can move quickly.
  8. Attach the fringe by using Mod Podge a section at a time. Cover that thing! Make sure you keep layering in mind. Let it dry.
  9. Viola! Fill them with confetti, candy and if it's an adult party, liquor shooters!

Little door, so you can stuff your pinata full of goodies! I used chocolate coins, confetti and shooters!
Hung up at the party!
Get it girl!
Like I said above, if you aren't in the mood to DIY (and you want more perfection), here are my favorite affordable ready made diamond pinatas:


Such a fun decoration, plus it adds some excitement to the party! Smack that!

Lots of Love,

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