Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Preteen & Teen Valentine Making Party

Happy Valentine's Day! This past week we have celebrated with so many Valentine events for all ages. On Sunday, middle school and high school aged kids came for a Valentine decorating party and it was such a fun event! I set a large table full of papers, stickers, decorations and more for them to use. They put their creative minds to work and came up with some great valentines!

I decided this would be a perfect event to use the emoji balloons we have in the shop. They became the inspiration for the event. Wendi (owner of Sweet Sugarlicious) made some fabulous emoji cookies that the kids loved! She always does such a great job. I also found some emoji M&Ms to set out. For the other snacks, my mother and I went back and forth multiple times in the grocery store trying to decide what teens like. It was quite entertaining trying to remember what I liked at that age. Ended up going with popcorn with M&Ms, pink goldfish and then I had leftover donuts that I put out for good measure. We also picked up some La Croix, Dr. Pepper and waters. Must have picked the right things because there was nothing left!

With emojis everywhere, some of the kids were inspired to make some fun emoji valentines. One girl made more than twenty different ones for everyone in her class. I loved seeing all of the different designs they came up with! They used balloons, glow sticks, candy bars and more to make creative ways of saying Happy Valentine's Day!

Thanks to everyone that attended! It was fun having this age group for a workshop and I will definitely be brainstorming more for the future (send ideas my way if you have any!).

Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day and did something fun! I was busy at the shop helping last minute shoppers pick out some fun cards and gifts. Then finished up the day with a ladies' event. Busy day!

Lots of Love,

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