Friday, February 24, 2017

3rd Birthday Donut Party

Last weekend we celebrated a spunky three year old's birthday over donuts and cake. It was a colorful party filled with confetti and sprinkles! Donut parties have been popular over the past couple of years and I wanted to put a different spin on this one. We used some of the same party supplies, but worked in some fun additions and new activities.

The birthday girl's mom, Sarita, and I pulled some classic favorites for the table, such as the donut plates and napkins. She loved the new mini party hats and we used those as fun color inspiration. Multi-colored confetti was used on the tables and stuffed in the donut shaped pinata Sarita ordered from Etsy. Paper tissue confetti and party hats are fun alternatives to the traditional centerpiece options. Balloon wise, we put a donut balloon on every kid's chair and added washi tape sprinkles. Birthday girl had a large gold 3 to designate her chair, plus those are always fun for pictures! Above the cake table, we used one of the new script balloons that added a pop of pink. Those are an easy and affordable decoration for any party. On the cake, we used new to the shop donut birthday candles and of course a sparkly 3!

Activity wise, we had to brainstorm ways to entertain kids in a wide age range (1-5). Sarita thought it would be fun for them to decorate donuts, so I talked with Wendi (cookie baker and owner of Sweet Sugarlicious) about making some icing bags for them to use. Thought they would be more manageable for the littles and it ended up working out well (vs dipping the donuts in icing the traditional way). Rachel (new employee at the shop) helped me make a donut ring toss game and I printed off some coloring sheets to have on hand in case the kids needed more entertainment. The main event of the day ended up being the pinata! The kids lined up and took turns taking a whack at it. That thing took a lot of beatings, but finally a dad went over and busted it open for the kids. It was filled with fun goodies such as rubber dinosaurs, Play-Doh, whistles and loads of confetti. Kids jumping in to fill their bags was highly entertaining. 

It was a fun morning and Sita was definitely excited to celebrate her special day! Thank you Sarita for hosting her birthday at the shop and thank you to everyone that came. All the kids seemed to have a great time and left with some great pinata goodies and sugar highs!

Lots of Love,

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