Sunday, December 7, 2014

2nd Craft Fair Recap & Shop News!

How is it already 5 o'clock on Sunday! Our weekend was jam packed because I did another craft fair yesterday at Canton-Galva High School. I'm happy to report is was a successful Saturday and I had fun selling lots of hair ties and Little Boxes of Character! Of course Frozen was extremely popular - great way to get little girls to bring their moms and grandmothers over to the booth. I also sold some of the final's week boxes and sold lots of hair ties - great stocking stuffers! Dustin's Aunt Bonnie works at the school, so she was my personal "hype girl" telling everyone to come see my booth - Thanks Aunt Bonnie!! Here are some pictures from the show:

I have some baby hair ties available if anyone is in need!

Now onto the shop news I mentioned in the title - exciting! I am working on opening up my very own online store! There is a lot of work to be done to customize my shop website, but I have at least narrowed down which website builder to user - holy moly there are a lot out there! I'm so very excited and hope you are too. It will have all of my boxes, extras and silhouettes for you to order.

Until my shop is open, please e-mail or Facebook me if you would like to order some boxes - I still have Christmas and Final's Week boxes if you would like me to ship some out for you! They are really fun and would brighten someone's day:

Photos via me

Lots of Love,

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