Sunday, August 5, 2018

Fairy Garden Party with Ballet Wichita

Earlier in the summer, we threw our annual fairy party, and this time we brought in Ballet Wichita for entertainment! We hosted two events that morning, and children were busy with activities and watching beautiful performances by the ballerina fairies. We wanted it to be a fun, magical morning for the guests, and we have so many pretty new supplies that we were able to use.

For the tableware, we did a mix of fairies and florals. We currently have a great selection! The daisy plates are fun to match with the leaf napkins, and the toadstools are just adorable. To add a settle touch of color under the fairy garden containers, we used floral wrapping paper sheets.

Each party guest at our fairy parties received a pair of fairy wings or a gnome hat. For their activity, everyone made a little take home fairy garden. Each garden had a house for the kids to decorate with stickers, and a flower, plus we set out of lots of little accessories. I love that the containers have handles, so they can easily bring their new mini gardens home. Material sources below...

Fairy Gardens - Where to Purchase Items:
Plastic Containers: Dollar Tree
Fairy Houses: Michaels
Glitter Wands: Love of Character
Glass Gems: Dollar Tree
Butterflies: Dollar Tree
Stickers: Variety of craft stores
Moss Stones: Dollar Tree
Mini Mushrooms: Amazon
Mini Fairy Garden Accessories: Amazon
Fairy Wings: Dollar Tree
Gnome Hats: Purchased red felt & DIYed
Flowers: Local greenhouse - recommend purchasing a flat for a party
Dirt: Bags of potting soil

Wonderful local bakers, September Moon Cupcakery and Sweet Sugarlicious, made beautiful treats. Wendi made cookie wands - such a fun way to incorporate a dessert and accessory! Cara whipped up some white and strawberry cupcakes. We used the fairy cupcake kit at the shop to decorate. Of course both were completely eaten up and enjoyed!

Ballet Wichita did a beautiful job with their performances. It is always so fun to see all the littles in awe of what these ballerinas can do. Each ballerina danced out a lovely fairy dance, and afterwards, they mingled with the little party guests. They are always so wonderful with the children, and allow them to talk about their dance classes, show off their moves, and snap some pictures. Plus, their costumes are always sparkly and gorgeous! For the backdrop, we wanting something fun and bright to add a magical element to the space. Shop girl, Helena, did a beautiful job making paper flowers using the floral wrapping paper as inspiration. 

As a fun touch, we brought in a Just Face It! face painter. I truly cannot recommend them enough! They are fast and do incredible work. Every child that walked away had an amazing design! Plus,  little kids absolutely LOVE to get their face painted. It is always a crowd favorite when we are able to bring them in.

It was such a fun event again this year! Fairies seem to be a timeless favorite, and make for a fun party theme. Definitely recommend for a theme, and we are happy to make a magic fairyland come to life for your child's next birthday!

Lots of Love,


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