Monday, January 16, 2017

2017 Goals in Pretty Prints

The start of each year, I have pulled together some of my favorite pretty prints to set my goals in a fun and memorable way. When you put some color, fancy fonts and clever quotes to your goals, it helps you keep them in your mind throughout the year. This year I am working on refining some of the goals from last year, focusing on enjoying my new lifestyle as a full time shop girl, making things better for my customers, and putting more effort into our personal goals.

Let's kickoff with a goal I've actually already accomplished (and one of the reasons I'm behind on getting my blog post on goals done!). Tidying up my storage area and office space at the shop was a main goal that I have been dying to get crossed off my list. I'm so happy to say this one is done and it's amazing how much easier it makes getting work done. Keep following along because I will be revealing the before and after very soon! If I accomplished cleaning up that disaster, I'm thinking I can do a lot this year, and you can cleanup any space you've been dreading!

Next up on the tidying and purging list, our house. When you build a business and move it out of your home, things can get messy. Now that I've moved what I need over to the shop (for the most part), I need to do some major cleaning and tossing in our home "office" which looks like a bomb went off. Outside of that, we need to go through the rest of our rooms and purge. I love a good purge and have a secret weapon that helps make it thorough - my mother. Wondering what the hanger quote is for? Just a cute way to remind me to HANG UP MY CLOTHES! So sad, but I'm horrible at coming home and just laying my clothes on the trunk at the end of our bed. When I have to find something I want to wear, my drawers are usually the last place I look (pathetic I know). Talking with Dustin yesterday, I realized part of the problem is my hate for drawers and my lack of closet space. I am going to work on finding a piece of furniture that will make it easier for me to put away my clothes and will look nice in our bedroom. My children's dresser just isn't cutting it anymore!

Next up, cleaning up the LOC online shop. I have some ideas to make it simple and easier for you all to shop and idea brainstorm. I tried making it a place where you can shop everything in the physical shop, but that made it overwhelming. There are too many items and it takes too long to find what you are wanting to gift. I am going go back to the box method with pre-made boxes that are fun gifts to give and will rotate out as I get in new items to use to keep them fresh. For the party supplies, I have been working on categorizing them by theme. From there, customers can always call or e-mail for custom gifts!

Outside of the classic yearly to dos, this year I need to focus on loving the life that we've built over the past few years. We have worked really hard to get to where we are with our careers and now we have some more time to spend enjoying life and time together. We have family goals we are hoping we can work on this year and some house goals that have dragged on a little. Plus, we need to be more on top of working out our budgets now that I have switched up jobs. That and cooking more - ha! Basically, I need to work on those domestic goddess skills I have put on the back burner the past few years due to my juggling a corporate job with a side hustle.

Sources for the prints in this post can be found on my "Pretty Prints" Pinterest board.

What are your goals for the year? Maintaining where you are at? Taking big leaps? Either way, do it with passion and remember to enjoy the little things. Trust me, goals can take a lot of work, but in the end, a lot of times, they can be so worth it. Since it is MLK Day, I am ending with my new favorite quote from him...

Lots of Love,

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